
2023-11-13 14:21







澳大利亚昆士兰大学Peta Ashworth 教授

演讲题目:What role for carbon capture and storage in Australia

——Results from a survey of the Australian public and an update on current research activities



Peta Ashworth 教授简介:

Peta Ashworth教授是澳大利亚昆士兰大学可持续能源未来研究所主任,在能源研究领域享有盛名,是从社会科学角度研究科学问题的有国际影响的一位教授。近10年来,她一直关注公众对于环境和能源技术(如风能,碳收集、太阳能光伏、地热)的态度,发表了多篇有关环境议题的公共沟通(public communication)和社会认可(social license to operate)的成果。Peta教授在多个机构和研究公司担任要职(具体简历见附件)。如:

Chair, Socio-economic sub group, Independent Advisory Panel, Radioactive Waste Management Facility, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

Chair, International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas R & D Social Research Network – comprises social scientists from over 50 international research institutions



What role for carbon capture and storage in Australia?

Results from a survey of the Australian public and an update on current research activities

There are many studies that demonstrate the challenges of integrating science and technology into society when the topic is emotive. Energy technologies often fall into this category. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one technology associated with capturing carbon dioxide from both power generation and large industrial sources and storing underground. For some audiences CCS has a perceived high risk, some feel that it legitimizes the use of fossil fuels and others simply know nothing about it. Regardless, it makes deployment more challenging. This presentation will focus on the results of an Australian national survey to understand public attitudes to energy technologies, including CCS and nuclear. It will also compare the impact of different information provision using an interactive online tool opposed to more tabular information.   Finally, it will provide details of a new carbon storage research project, recently awarded to the University of Queensland. The project is one of seven projects funded under the Australian CCS Research Development and Demonstration Fund aimed at supporting the Australian government’s commitment to reduce the technical and commercial barriers for the deployment of large scale CCS projects. It is interdisciplinary in nature including a knowledge sharing component with China and aims to have several Chinese PhD students, both technical and from the social sciences, working on the project.


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