
2023-11-14 18:07





The class system justifying belief reflects people’s perception of the fairness,legitimacy,and justifiability of,as well as the corresponding supportive attitudes to the class system. Based on the Chinese Social Mentality Survey(2022)database,the current research focused on the effects of subjective and objective social class on the class system justifying belief. Besides,we also examined the role of Hukou based on synchronic and diachronic perspectives. The results suggested that:(1)The class system justifying belief was strong among individuals,with an above medium level. (2)Young people and old people reported relatively low belief in class system justification. Thus we should focus on improving young people’s cognition and expectation of the rationality of opportunity,and pay more attention to the elderly people’s requirements for the rationality of distribution. (3)Lower-class individuals reported weak belief in class system justification. Attention should be paid to the appeals in terms of opportunity rationality of key groups,such as individuals with low- and middle-income,primary school education and below,as well as junior college education. (4)The class system justifying belief was weak among urban lower-class individuals. While making greater efforts to narrow the urban-rural gap and balance urban and rural development,we should also pay more attention to the disadvantaged groups in cities and provide them with more development opportunities.


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